In Memory of





Condolence From: Joy Humby
Condolence: Rita and family. I send you my heartfelt condolences on Ron's passing. He was a wonderful man. He was larger than life and he had a heart of gold. He lived a long and good life. He is at rest now. Hold onto each other and cherish your memories. They will stay in your hearts forever. Hugs.
Wednesday June 14, 2017
Condolence From: Mark & Brenda Walliser
Condolence: Hi, very sorry to here of Ron's passing our prayers are with you. He is and will always be remembered by us all.
Sunday April 02, 2017
Condolence From: Ron Tocker
Condolence: Our most heartfelt sympathy to Rita and the entire Hawes family. I will be forever honoured to have served under the guidance and kindness of Ron's heart. He was a mentor and a friend. Ron and Donna Tocker
Saturday April 01, 2017
Condolence From: Brian & Debbie Salaway
Condolence: Thinking of you Brenden, Barb and all your family at this difficult time. We are so sorry for the loss of your Grandpa/Dad. Cherish the memories!! Our deepest sympathy and prayers to all the family.
Friday March 31, 2017