
Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen Lars Sveen
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Hall Funeral Services - Estevan
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Lillian Sveen, Christian and Evan Stahl
"I remember Uncle Lars visits as a kid when he would bring peppermint candies or "
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Alf Kåre Nordli
"Fred over ditt minne"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Alf Kåre Nordli
"Fred over ditt minne"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
John Trafiak
"Lars you are a great pioneer of the Willmar area. You will be remembered by the"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Marcel & Evelyn Boire
" Sympathy& Caring in the Passing of Lars! We had some great visits at the Heal"
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Colleen. Danny. Tara. & Jody
"Lars we will miss you very much! Some of our best memories were up in the hills"
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The 2008 Visit
Hard to believe it was the last time I saw Uncle Lars but he welcomed me into his home with very little notice and brought me out to the farm. He was still driving his pick up. He made a bed for me in the spare room but I decided to let the raccoons have it....
2015-11-04 10:42:40
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It was always nice to see Lars when he visited Grandma. Such a mild and soft spoken man. Now Grandma has some more company in Heaven. God bless you Lars

2015-11-03 22:34:41
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I think I've only met Great Uncle Lars 3 or 4 times in my life, but remember that, though quiet, he seemed like a really happy guy, a true salt-of-the-Earth farmer, a real Canadian settler. I hope there are some younger Sveens, either here or in...

2015-11-03 12:26:02
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Thank you, Uncle Lars

Uncle Lars was a kind and generous brother to my mom. As they got older, their relationship grew deeper and closer. He would always send her a little bit of money when she was struggling, she never needed to ask. When my parents were splitting up, i...

Eva Bouchard
2015-11-03 02:54:04
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Lars's visits to our farm.
I remember lots of visits from Lars at our farm.Mom and Lars would start out visiting in English and then switch to Norwegian(I called it French)and was curious but it was much easier for them.Mom always had fresh homemade bread or buns and lots of homemade...
Eileen Roche
2015-11-02 13:39:55
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Trafiaks Times with Lars

Lars was the closet of friends with our Dad, which made Lars a close Uncle for the Trafiak kids growing up in Willmar.  Lars spent speacil occasions and holiday dinners with us.  His accordion and song quickly grew on us.  A man of pa...

John Trafiak
2015-11-02 03:35:34
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Trafiaks Times with Lars


 Lars was Dad's closed of friends so Lars naturally became a close Uncle to us (Trafiak) kids growing up in Willmar.  Lars spend time with us for speacil occasions/ holiday dinners and introduced us to his musical tal...

John Trafiak
2015-11-02 02:07:22
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